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Mt. Calvary was founded February of 1990 in Parma, Mo under the leadership of Dr. Ron Webb & Sis. Georgia Webb, which was the beginning of their ministry in the Pastoral arena.  Dr. Webb was elated when he heard of the small vacant church that was available there.  After being established for only a short period of time, Dr. Webb received an alarming phone call in the middle of the night that the church was engulfed with fire.  When he arrived at the church, it was completely destroyed.  I’m pretty sure the enemy tried to attack him in 3-D’s, which was discouragement, disappointment, and doubt.  What the devil meant for bad, God meant it for his good, but the most important tool that the enemy did not attack him with was determination, because Dr. Webb was determined to go on with the vision God had given him.  Yes, the church was destroyed, but No it did not destroy his vision because Dr. Webb has the faith of Abraham, not afraid to take a risk.  He carries the anointing of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the boldness of Peter, and the favor of Joseph.

    On December 9th 1999, the church relocated to 209 South Locust St. in Parma, Mo.  It was then Dr. Webb combined Powerhouse Church and Calvary Baptist church together as one church, which is now called Mt. Calvary Powerhouse Church.  The Lord was adding and still is adding to the church and blessing the ministry tremendously.  The Lord allowed the church to remain in Parma for 4 years.

    In April of 1994, the church once again relocated in Malden, Mo.  Would you believe on 209 South Graham St. Dr. Ron Webb and the church family did not understand then, why God was taking us through these transitions and down these avenues, but we did know that God was definitely in control and that his steps have been ordered by God, because God allowed and still is great men of God to cross paths with Dr. Webb, that was and still is being a financial blessing to the church in helping to purchase this sanctuary that we have now sold.  God worked a miracle in our finances and we give him all the glory.

    On June 21st, 1995 was our first night of Holy Ghost filled service held in this sanctuary.  On September 8th, 1995, dedication of this sanctuary was held with Bishop Johnson of St. Louis being the keynote speaker.  The Lord is blessing the church tremendously by allowing Dr. Webb to be elevated to a national level in which twice a month he appears on a Christian talk show that reaches over 178 countries in the world.

Dr. Webb’s vision is for the body of Christ to connect and join together.  So starting March 12th, which will be this coming Saturday, a new fellowship will be implemented in this area that will be called Covenant Ministries, in which Dr. Webb will be pouring into Pastors from Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri.  Just as Nehemiah was a builder, Dr. Webb is a builder also.  We are now building our new sanctuary on 8 acres of land on Business Hwy 60 that will seat over 1,200 and it is over half way completed and we were told in our business meeting last week that the construction workers are 3 weeks ahead of schedule.  Come on and give God some praise!

    January 21, 2001 was the birthing and dedication of the S.E.M.O. Christian Restoration Center.  Bishop is the C.E.O. and President.  The center is for individuals who might need a second chance of life.  It’s motto is “Hand up, not a hand out.”  To date we have seen over 350 souls won to Christ at the Center.

    Summer of 2005 was the birthing of Covenant Ministries.  It is not a denomination but an opportunity for networking for Pastor’s.  It is also a covering and a safe place where they can share their hearts and dreams, a place where they can get built up, and receive information and affirmation.  There are about 37 ministers that participate and many of you are here today.

    Bishop Webb is the Founder and lead instructor of “School of the Prophets” that was birthed in January 2006.  This is Bible College that offers the equipment needed to fulfill Jesus’ command to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.”  (Matthew 28:19).  The students consist of Pastors, Evangelists, Ministers, and church leaders.  We believe it is another tool God is using to effectively prepare his people for what’s ahead.

    One of Bishop Webb’s biggest birthings that came forth is the new sanctuary that we are in today.  What used to be an open field with weeds and grass that once looked like a swamp, God turned it into what you see today, a church without walls.  His vision is that not only will we fill the lower level but to fill the balcony also and we’re almost there. Dedication of our new sanctuary was September 18, 2005.

    December 17, 2006 was the dedication of the “Heartland Family Center.”  Another one of Bishop’s visions that has been birthed forth.  It is a homeless shelter for families in need and keeping the families together especially in a time for crisis.  This outreach ministry was organized and founded by Bishop Webb.  For those of you that have not visited or toured the shelter, once you see it, you will want to be homeless for a night or two.  It’s a beautiful site to see.

    In February 2008 The Christian view was birthed.  This is a Spiritual talk show for men and women to help the viewers to discover their purpose, passion and plan that God has for them and for every stumbling block that the devil has placed in their path, God will allow the viewers to see them as stepping stones to step into their destiny.  Also, one of his visions for 2008 is you will be able to go to our website and read it in Spanish.  Bishop Webb ministries is now covering the globe in 170 countries around the world with the New Jim Bakker show in Branson, Mo.  In spite of all these things that keep Bishop busy, he still finds time to train and prepare other ministers within this body.

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